Prairial *
1 place Hubert Mounier - 69002 Lyon 2ème
Prairial breaks the codes with a brave new gastronomy by revealing the creativity of Gaëtan Gentil playing with seasons.
PRaiRiaL does not have a set menu, as its choice of dishes varies from day to day.
You probably think this means our menu changes to suit the season, but it doesn't. Our creative skills are not set in stone, and neither are our habits, whims, products and inspiration. We shuffle our cards with every service, which means the choice of dishes is constantly changing to meet requirements, to the great delight of all enthusiasts.
Seasonal products are nevertheless important to Gaëtan Gentil, who gives PRaiRiaL real expertise and know-how when it comes to choosing the best products at the right time, from local suppliers in collaboration with market gardeners, fishermen and farmers, to offer exceptional quality.
Each artisan has a passion for his trade, and Gaëtan pays tribute to them all by elevating the fruit of their work to the very highest standards in all his dishes. His high standards in terms of products, cooking methods and seasoning are obvious in all PRaiRial products and delights all gourmets who are as concerned with their environment as they are about their own pleasure.
1 place Hubert Mounier - 69002 Lyon 2ème
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